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Tips for Contact Lens Wearers

What Every Contact Lens Wearer Needs To Know

If you're one of the millions of contact lens wearers in the world, chances are you went through a mini-course in hygiene when you first got your prescription. You know the drill: First wash your hands with soap and water before drying them with a clean, lint-free cloth or paper towel. Then, carefully take the contact lens out of your eye before gently "massaging" it in your hand with some solution to get the debris off. Pop the contact in a case that's filled with fresh solution before screwing the lid on.

But if you're being honest, how often do you actually follow all of these steps every single time you remove your contacts (which are technically medical devices)? And how often do you do things your optometrist warns you against - like sleeping or swimming in your contacts, or wearing your monthlies for longer than a month.

Do’s and Don’ts of contact lens wear


  • Have regular check-ups as advised by your optometrist.
  • Wash and dry your hands before handling your contact lenses.
  • Rub, rinse and store your lenses in the recommended solution before and after each use – except daily wear lenses, which should be thrown away after each use.
  • Clean the lens case with solution, wipe with a clean tissue and then air dry after each use.
  • Always insert the right lens first to avoid mixing them up.
  • Check that the lens is not inside out before inserting.
  • Handle carefully to avoid damaging the lens.
  • Insert your lenses before putting on make-up.
  • Remove lenses and then remove your make-up.
  • Keep your eyes closed when using hairspray or other aerosols.
  • Replace your lenses at least monthly.
  • Discard lenses and solutions that are past their expiry date.
  • Wear only the lenses specified by your optometrist.
  • Stick strictly to the recommended wearing schedule and replacement frequency.
  • Make sure you have an adequate supply of replacement lenses or a spare pair.
  • Have an up-to-date pair of spectacles for when you need to remove your lenses.



  • Use tap water, or any other water, on your lenses or lens case.
  • Wet your lenses with saliva.
  • Put a lens on the eye if it falls on the floor or other surface without cleaning it again.
  • Insert a lens when it is dirty, dusty or damaged.
  • Continue to wear your lenses if your eyes don’t feel good, look good or see well.
  • Re-use or top-up solution – discard and replace with fresh solution each time lenses are stored.
  • Decant solution into smaller containers.
  • Wear lenses that was left for more than seven days without cleaning and storing them in fresh solution.
  • Sleep in your lenses unless specifically advised to by your optometrist.
  • Wear any lens if you are feeling unwell.
  • Use your lenses for swimming, hot tubs or water sports unless wearing goggles.
  • Wear your lenses when showering unless you keep your eyes firmly closed.
  • Switch the solution you are using unless you do it on advice of your optometrist.
  • Use any eye drops without advice from your optometrist.
  • Share contact lenses or wear any lenses not specified by your optometrist.


What you're doing: You let tap water come into contact with your contact lenses.

Why you should stop: Tap water isn't salty like tears are, so contact lenses tend to absorb the water and swell. The contact lens will then "hold" it, which is a problem because water - even water safe to drink - isn't sterile and contains microorganisms. If your lens swells, it changes how the lens fits on your eye and it will often make the lens tighten on the eye. This can then create microscopic breaks in your cornea that microorganisms can get into, potentially causing infection. That's why it's important not to shower or swim with your contact lenses in (plus swimming in your contact lenses ups the chances of them coming out of your eye). In addition, you should never use water in place of solution for storing your contact lenses.

What you're doing: Your contact lenses are bothering you but you don't have solution with you, so you use water or your own saliva as "emergency" solution to wash them before popping them back in your eye. 

Why you should stop: For the same explanation above, exposing your contact lenses to water isn't smart, and your saliva is ridden with bacteria that belong in your mouth and not your eye.

If you do catch yourself in a situation where your contact lenses are bothering you but you don't have access to solution and a contact lens case, your best bet is to just throw them away. Another option is to use lubricating drops made for contact lens wearers (not the kinds to combat red eye) to try to relieve any discomfort. It's always wise to carry a contact lens case with you at all times for moments like this.

What you're doing: You re-use your solution. 

Why you should stop: Recycling solution is like begging for an eye infection. All the debris and bacteria that are in your eyes and are on your contact lenses come off into the solution. So if you're re-using the same solution time and again, that means you're letting your contact lenses stew in a bacteria-ridden pool of liquid -- and then putting those same contacts right back into your eye. Instead, take care to use fresh solution every single time you need to store your contacts. Or, if you hate dealing with solution and cases, consider daily disposable lenses.

What you're doing: You've been using the same contact lens case for as long as you can remember. 

Why you should stop: Go to your bathroom and throw that old case away. Contact lens cases should only be used for three months tops before you replace with a new one, monthly replacement is best. 

What you're doing: You wash your contact lens case with water, and then close it up before letting it dry completely.

Why you should stop: The best way to keep your contact lens case clean is to wash it with solution, not water, since (as you know by now) water shouldn't come into contact with your contact lenses. Then let it air dry completely before putting the lids back on.

It's better to just get a brand new, clean case than try to disinfect it yourself by running it through the dishwasher or boiling it. Most solutions are sold with a new contact lens case as well.

What you're doing: You use a different solution to the one that was prescribed.

Why you should stop: Talk to your optometrist about the best solution for your own eyes, and then stick to that brand. It's not a good idea to switch solutions without having that discussion, with your optometrist, since you can develop allergies, sensitivities and dry eye by switching solutions.

What you're doing: You're using contact lenses you got from your optometrist five years ago. 

Why you should stop: Maybe you took a few years' break from contacts, or maybe you're just really bad about throwing away your monthlies after just a month (thereby creating a surplus of yet-to-be-used lenses). But any way you look at it, you shouldn't use contact lenses that are several years old. For starters, the prescription might just not be right anymore. But another thing to consider is that the solution the lenses are stored in has an expiration date. The lens, when the solution expires, can cause infection and become very uncomfortable because of the pH [level] change.

On that note, solution you buy at a store also goes bad, so make sure to check the expiration dates on solutions. Solutions can over time break down, especially if exposed to sun or heat which can be bad considering its two main functions are to not bring infectious material into your eye and to prevent infection.

What you're doing: You have a prescription for two-week lenses, but only wear contacts once a week - so you use the same lenses once a week for 14 weeks. 

Why you should stop: If contacts are approved to be used for 14 days, it's two weeks from the time you open that lens package, it's not 14 days of wear. After that time period is when the lens starts to break down, the surface starts to break down and take on your protein, mucus and bacteria that normally is found on our eyelids and can then lead to infection.

What you're doing: Your vision is just a little blurry, or your eyes hurt just a little bit, but you wear your contact lenses anyway. 

Why you should stop: When in doubt, take them out. If your contact lenses are causing you any discomfort, or your eyes look just the slightest bit red, it's better to listen to your body than suffer through the discomfort and potentially develop an infection. You should make sure your eyes look good, feel good and see good. Your eyes should look clear and white, your eyes should not look red or irritated and you should see well and clearly ... If you're not seeing well, that's a sign that there is a problem. Your eyes should also feel good, with no physical pain or discomfort.

The first line of defence should be to apply lubricating drops made for contact lens wearers. But if that isn't enough, just take the lenses out.

What you're doing: You put your contact lenses in after putting your makeup on.

Why you should stop: Believe it or not, there is a correct order of operations for people who wear both makeup and contacts. To avoid getting makeup on your contact lenses it is recommended putting contact lenses in your eyes before applying makeup, and then taking them out before removing eye makeup.

It is also advised that you should not put creams or lotions on your hands before handling your lenses - your hands should be clean.

What you're doing: You use waterproof makeup.

Why you should stop: Contact lens wearers should not use waterproof makeup because if the makeup gets on the lens, it will bind to it. Because waterproof makeup requires an oil-based remover, it will grease up the eyes and the lenses.

What you're doing: You wear your dailies for longer than a day, your monthlies for longer than a month, etc.

Why you should stop: Your contact lenses are made of plastic, but they actually have pores to help keep them moist in your eyes. However, these pores can then get dirty and trap debris and dirt in the lens. If you use your contact lenses for longer than recommended, you're setting yourself up for trouble, including eye irritation, dry eye, an infection or overall discomfort.

What you're doing: You sleep in your contact lenses.

Why you should stop: It's sort of like sleeping with a plastic bag over your head. That's because sleeping with contacts in your eyes severely limits oxygen transmission. When you are awake, your cornea receives oxygen from the air and from your tears. But when you're asleep, the cornea receives less nourishment, lubrication and oxygen because your eyes are closed and you are not blinking. Therefore, when you put a contact lens over the cornea overnight, you are further depriving your cornea of oxygen. This can lead to your contact lens tightening in your eye, causing microscopic rips to the cornea and if there's a microorganism in your eye it could lead to infection. Some contact lenses are approved by the FDA for overnight and extended wear. If you want to be able to sleep in your contact lenses, it is advised that you to talk to your optometrist about getting a prescription for one of these types of lenses.